Capcom’s genre-defining survival horror franchise reaches a monumental milestone with the 25th anniversary of Resident Evil. Over the years, the popular series has shipped more...
Murdering people in video games is basically an art form, and no series has ever embodied that more than the Hitman games. Since the first game released...
One person is all that stands between humanity and the greatest threat it’s ever faced. BioWare, a studio of Electronic Arts Inc. today revealed that...
In last night’s Resident Evil Showcase digital program, Capcom unveiled key details about its highly anticipated survival horror title Resident Evil Village, the eighth main...
First-person action platforming games are my jam. I can remember spending so much time playing Mirror’s Edge, loving the immersive feel of the adventure. When...
Sony Interactive Entertainment last night finally revealed new details for PlayStation 5, including the next-generation console’s design and a deep lineup of brand new games...
Development on Sony’s upcoming PlayStation 5 console, as well as their own first-party games, is still on track, the company has revealed in a statement....
Ubisoft announced the next installment in the Assassin’s Creed franchise, Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, will release worldwide Holiday 2020 on Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5, Xbox...
According to a news post from, Sony Computer Entertainment will be forgoing any sort of presence at Electronic Entertainments Expo (E3) for the second...
Sony confirms that their next generation console, the PlayStation 5, launches in time for Christmas 2020. This will put the new console in direct competition...
As we inch closer to the next generation of gaming, anticipation for announcements from Sony and Microsoft is growing as gamers look forward to getting...