Providing a long-awaited return to The Dark Place, Alan Wake II significantly ramps up the horror and introduces a new cast of interesting characters with...
Around 15 years ago, Dead Space 08’ created a terrifying new look into the sci-if survival horror genre. Visceral Games created grotesque monsters in a...
The extraordinary minds behind the Dead Space franchise have finally released their new independent project, The Callisto Protocol. Glen Schofield, the lead director for the...
The Sorrowvirus: A Faceless Short Story markets itself as a riveting horror story packed with unique ideas and chilling atmospheres to terrify its player. Unfortunately,...
Since its reveal in 2018, Dying Light 2: Stay Human has been highly anticipated by gamers following its predecessor of Dying Light, released in 2015....
I haven’t played a Metroidvania in quite some time, possibly not since I completed Blasphemous, developed by The Game Kitchen. After noticing high amounts of...
Great news, retro and Game Boy fans, Spacebot Interactive is making their second physical release, and it’s Deadeus by -IZMA-. This game has 11 endings...
Souls-likes are a common genre these days. Ever since FromSoftware created the perfect video game (only slightly sarcastic), it seems that everyone is scrambling to...
At the dawn of this console generation, horror games were going through a renaissance. This was thanks to the introduction of social media hit Amnesia:...