It’s been almost five years since we were first introduced to the seemingly inconspicuous town of Raven Brooks and its shady resident Theodore Peterson. Despite...
Bigben and Eko Software have announced that pre-orders of Warhammer: Chaosbane are now available in digital stores and at certain retailers who can be found on the list accessible HERE. The game’s...
Avalanche Studios’ Generation Zero looks like it’s shaping up to be a pretty excellent survival game, which is quite an accomplishment considering how tired the...
Bethesda reveal that they are not going to launch their upcoming multiplayer action-RPG, Fallout 76, on Steam. The company released an updated version of the...
The initial launch of Fallout 76’s B.E.T.A. (Break It Early Test Application) will launch this coming October. As was previously reported, the beta will launch...
With the release of DRAGON BALL FighterZ just weeks away, fans can pre-order DRAGON BALL FighterZ for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. All pre-orders...
Koei Tecmo today shed light onto the dark and beautiful world of samurai action RPG Nioh from Gamescom 2016, revealing new information on the contents...
After announcing the Star Wars Battlefront (Open) Beta on the Star Wars Battlefront subreddit, Mat “Sledgehammer70” Everett, Community Manager for Star Wars Battlefront and Titanfall,...
About two months ago NC Soft and Carbine announced that their critically praised MMO, WildStar, will go free-to-play in the near future. It seems that...