The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was showcased at Nintendo’s E3 presentation. The game represents the next great boundary-breaking adventure from Nintendo. The game challenges...
Following the announcement that Nintendo will release its next console, Nintendo NX, in March 2016, it’s been reported that the company has also said that...
Today, the final Smash Bros.-dedicated video presentation was broadcasted worldwide. The video announced the final DLC characters and stages that will come to the game...
Pokken Tournament, previously only available on arcades in Japan, is coming to the Wii U. The news comes from the Pokémon Company who announced the news...
Earlier in the year, at a Nintendo conference, the rumours of a new console were confirmed. The late Satoru Iwata said: "Nintendo is currently developing...
Nintendo has announced that a big Splatoon update will be arriving for Wii U owners this August. Specifically, the update will release on August 5, 2015...
Affordable Space Adventures is a strategy/stealth puzzler created in a collaboration between Nifflas Games (Knytt Underground, Nightsky) and KnapNok Games (Spin the Bottle: Bumpie’s Party). In...