The sequel to the highly acclaimed LEGO Marvel Super Heroes has officially been announced. Warner Bros Interactive, TT Games, Marvel and The LEGO Group have...
Sega has just released a presentation report about its upcoming business strategies revealing plans to revive its major IPs. The presentation, labelled as “Road to...
A mod development team has just posted on Steam Greenlight the announcement of a VR project for the legendary first-person shooter Half-Life 2. With this...
Nintendo has announced their E3 plans today via Twitter. In keeping with being a bit different, Nintendo has elected not to hold a traditional press...
First, Assassin’s Creed: Origins had an image leaked yesterday. Now it seems Rockstar has suffered a similar fate, as an apparent screenshot from Red Dead...
After 2 days of image teasing, Sega finally announced the long-awaited PC version of PlatinumGames’ fast-paced third-person shooter, Vanquish, with a full trailer. —...
Bandai Namco has just announced via twitter that fan favourite Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth will be getting a sequel, dubbed Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth- Hacker’s Memory,”...
Sega recently posted on its social media what is speculated to be the announcement of a surprise sequel or long-awaited PC port of third-person shooter...
Valve has just released an uncensored version of the critically acclaimed first-person shooter Half-Life on the German market as a DLC pack. The uncensored upgrade...
In one of the day’s more bizarre gaming stories, official Chinese gaming regulations have forced Blizzard Entertainment to reveal the chances of getting rare, epic...
It’s that time again where PlayStation Plus subscribers can sit back and enjoy some free games, courtesy of Sony. May is certainly offering an exciting...