Earlier today, the development group Toadman Interactive announced a game that claims to be a shooter inspired by the Dark Souls series. Accompanying this announcement...
The Crew 2, the latest entry in the revolutionary open-world driving franchise The Crew, will launch on March 16th, 2018. The game will be available...
Today, Ubisoft and South Park Digital Studios announced that pre-registration is now open for South Park: Phone Destroyer, a new free-to-play mobile game. Android and...
Sony is releasing a Limited Edition Gran Turismo Sport PS4 Console. The announcement was made by the producer of the Gran Turismo series, Kazunori Yamauchi,...
Age of Empires IV is in its development stage, according to the game’s publisher, Microsoft Studios. It’s been more than a decade since the last Age...
On this week’s episode of the Gaming Respawn Podcast; -We discuss the possibility of Esports featuring in the 2024 Olympic Games, -Chat about the new...
The latest Uncharted update adds new Uncharted: The Lost Legacy character skins, an all new playable character and totally revamps survival mode to create what...
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has sold over seven million copies, according to Steam data tracker SteamSpy. It was only two weeks ago that it was announced that...