Age of Empires IV and Age of Empires Remaster Announced

Age of Empires IV is in its development stage, according to the game’s publisher, Microsoft Studios.

It’s been more than a decade since the last Age of Empires game was released, and in that time, games such as Halo Wars, Command & Conquer and Civilization have taken over the reigns of the Strategy genre.

Age of Empires IV is being developed by Relic Entertainment, the same team behind the infamous Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II. The Canadian development company are considered one of the best in the business, having proven themselves on multiple PC titles.

The Series

The Age of Empires series is unique, in that nobody has been able to make a strategy game that is half as good as the AoE Trilogy. If you ask someone to describe Command & Conquer, they’ll most likely tell you ‘it’s like Age of Empires, with nukes.’

The sequel comes as welcome news to fans of the series that have been waiting since October 2005 for a sequel to the trilogy. The next piece of news coming from Microsoft Studios was even more good news for AoE fans.

Microsoft also announced that Age of Empires: Definitive Edition will be released on October 19th. The remaster of the original 1997 Age of Empires will include 4K graphics, brand new gameplay and a new soundtrack. It seems as though Age of Empires II & III will be given the same treatment.

Age of Empires 4

Fans can sign up for the Age of Empires: Definitive Edition closed beta here.

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