Bandai Namco has released Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel, the first of two planned downloadable expansions to the critically acclaimed Dark Souls III for...
Pesky neighbours, they’re always up to no good. When they’re not nicking the missus’ parking spot, mine are always flying their drone out back, having...
Week one sales of Battlefield 1 in the UK have surpassed the opening week sales of Battlefield 4 and Battlefield: Hardline combined, GFK Chart-Track has...
Nintendo provided earlier today the first glimpse of its new home gaming system and revealed that it is called Nintendo Switch. In addition to providing...
After the rumours and teasers of Red Dead Redemption 2 were confirmed by Rockstar Games, every PlayStation and Xbox owner now has another of these great...
Rockstar Games, famous for their third-person open world games such as Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption, have begun teasing what seems to be...
Do you remember a firmware update back in 2010 that stopped the Linux operating system working on PlayStation 3 consoles? Well, some gamers took Sony...
It seems that the success of the critically-acclaimed and brilliantly traumatic Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and more recently of Hideo Kojima’s cult-classic PS4-teaser Silent Hill...
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard looks to change a lot with the series making it nearly unrecognisable, though Resident Evil 4 had just as many differences and...