The Uncharted franchise is a massively successful gaming series that has been highly praised for its fun gameplay, high visuals, and incredible narratives that have...
The Uncharted series has been highly recommended to me on numerous occasions, mostly after I bought my first PlayStation console. This should come as no...
Since EA shut down Dead Space developer Visceral Games, the question of the single-player Star Wars game has been an increasingly worrying one. Well, it...
One of Naughty Dog’s key staff members, Bruce Straley, has announced he will be leaving the development company. This news was announced on Naughty Dog’s...
Uncharted is an action-adventure game series that has been one of Sony’s flagship franchises since last generation. Developers Naughty Dog released Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End in...
The latest Uncharted update adds new Uncharted: The Lost Legacy character skins, an all new playable character and totally revamps survival mode to create what...
When it comes to analyzing video games, the first features that most gamers pay attention to are typically graphics, gameplay, controls, and (if available) story. Sound is...
It looks like we won’t be seeing an appearance from beloved Uncharted series protagonist Nathan Drake in the upcoming standalone expansion of Uncharted 4: A...
Some of the members of Gaming Respawn got together to talk about our favourite gaming characters. Sometimes a good interesting hero that we can root...