During a recent YouTube livestream, the Mobius Final Fantasy director, Naoki Hamaguchi, announced that he is now leading the Final Fantasy VII Remake. Additionally, it was...
Injustice 2 is the sequel to Injustice: Gods Among Us, which released back in 2013 and was developed by NetherRealm Studios. After having spent hours...
The ‘Caligula Effect’ is a psychological term referring to the desire to see or do that which is prohibited, something I’m sure we’ve all experienced at...
Developer Ubisoft took to twitter to announce the next Far Cry, dubbed simply “Far Cry 5.” The return of the famed first-person shooter franchise is...
The sequel to the highly acclaimed LEGO Marvel Super Heroes has officially been announced. Warner Bros Interactive, TT Games, Marvel and The LEGO Group have...
Bandai Namco has just announced via twitter that fan favourite Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth will be getting a sequel, dubbed Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth- Hacker’s Memory,”...
It’s that time again where PlayStation Plus subscribers can sit back and enjoy some free games, courtesy of Sony. May is certainly offering an exciting...
Playdead’s exquisite Limbo brought the 2D side-scroller genre back into relevance for many gamers. Limbo’s spiritual successor, the faultless and brilliant Inside, cemented the classic...