Chris Jai Alex, the voice actor who plays Rhino in Insomniac’s upcoming Marvel’s Spider-Man on PlayStation 4, may have mistakenly leaked one of the game’s...
The crossover collaboration between Capcom’s Monster Hunter and Square Enix’s Final Fantasy franchises was revealed recently at E3 2018. Monster Hunter: World Final Fantasy’s Behemoth...
Nintendo’s E3 Direct was largely focused on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, alongside a handful of other titles. Fans of the beloved Metroid series were understandably...
Sony kicked off its E3 presentation in a brilliantly subversive way, with audience members being seated in church pews, fairy lighting dangling from the roof...
Fans received some important updates on Soul Calibur VI at E3 yesterday. A story trailer for Bandai Namco’s upcoming weapon-based fighting game which contained the official...
The mobile Fallout spin-off, Fallout Shelter, is coming to PS4, following its trophy list appearing on Exophase. The free-to-play simulation game was originally released on...
Capcom, developers of the Devil May Cry franchise, appear to have registered a domain for the website for what looks like the unannounced and upcoming...
Ubisoft have confirmed that Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey will be the next title to arrive in the popular franchise. They’ve also stated that we will learn...
Hideo Kojima, the always eccentric creator of the Metal Gear franchise, has released a new screenshot of his upcoming title, the enigmatic Death Stranding. However,...
Someone dropped the ball on this one There has been a possibly substantial leak by Canadian Walmart pre-order listings for several unannounced titles, including Rage...