A Guide for Returning to Age of EmpiresAlex GillezeauNovember 1, 2021 by Alex GillezeauNovember 1, 2021 As Age of Empires IV finally rises, my decade and a half absence from the series has come to a close. Age of Empires has...
1.8 Age of Empires IV Is Everything You Want Age of Empires IV to Be (Technical Stress Test Review)Alex GillezeauSeptember 28, 2021September 28, 2021 by Alex GillezeauSeptember 28, 2021September 28, 2021 If you love Age of Empires, then I have some excellent news. You are going to love Age of Empires IV. The game runs like...
Age of Empires IV and Age of Empires Remaster AnnouncedJake EmeryAugust 22, 2017August 22, 2017 by Jake EmeryAugust 22, 2017August 22, 2017 Age of Empires IV is in its development stage, according to the game’s publisher, Microsoft Studios. It’s been more than a decade since the last Age...
New Age of Empires Game for Xbox One Hinted at by Microsoft?Stephen JacksonSeptember 2, 2016September 2, 2016 by Stephen JacksonSeptember 2, 2016September 2, 2016 It’s been ages since we’ve heard any news regarding one of Microsoft’s most popular franchises, Age of Empires. In fact, it’s been over a decade...
Details of Xbox E3 2016 Teaser Leaked Online, Hints at a New BattletoadsStephen JacksonJune 1, 2016June 1, 2016 by Stephen JacksonJune 1, 2016June 1, 2016 Microsoft are set to release their E3 2016 trailer later today, however, a post on Reddit claims that the video has been leaked with Reddit...