Top 5 Reasons Why PlayStation Is Starting to Slip (in Its Current Form)

As anyone who knows me can tell you, I have been a Sony fan since the PlayStation 1. When growing up it was the console that all of my friends and I were dying to get our hands on, and the day I finally got one was the best day of my childish life. I have fond memories of playing the Crash series, the Jak and Daxter series, MGS 1, Digimon World, and so very many more. This console and this company are responsible for some of the best memories of my life, including bonding with my cousin, which was a staple of our family’s yearly post-Christmas get together. When the PS2 came out I was in such a hurry to get one, and after I did I never looked back. Even when the PS3 came out I tried my hardest to get my hands on one, and now I own a PS4 and couldn’t be happier with my purchase…mostly.

I just wanted all of these things to be known so that you have some context for what I am about to say: Sony are screwing things up for themselves, big time!

5. PlayStation Plus Games

It is no news that Sony’s flagship subscription service started out as a great way to get new games regularly and even a way of building a collection for consoles you didn’t own yet without it costing you a huge bundle. However, it is also no secret that recently the games that keep coming out have been….poor, at best. It has been a hugely long time since a full triple A title was released via the service, and this disappoints a lot of people who, like me, used to enjoy getting something exciting and new to play each month. Now, I am not saying that there is anything wrong with indie games, in fact I love indie games and would say that a lot of the gaming experiences that emotionally moved me have been from indie games. The problem is that a lot of gamers do not enjoy indie titles (whether they’re right or wrong is not the point), and it’s usually nice to have a variety of different games each month, or at least every few months. If I have to play through another indie platformer anytime soon, I may have to shoot someone, maybe even myself. Considering that their competitor Microsoft manages to release triple A titles every month (usually twice a month) speaks a lot about how much they listen to their audience. I do understand that PlayStation Plus has been running a lot longer, but I can’t imagine that there are just no games that they couldn’t put out, even if they just made a PS1 or 2 game with a wrapper enabling it for use on a PS4; it would be nice to be getting something more impressive on my £300 gaming machine. Failing that, just redo some titles, it would at least be something to keep new subscribers interested, however, it would not be surprising to see more and more people giving up on the subscription to PlayStation Plus over the coming months. In fact, I’m 99% sure that if the subscription wasn’t required to play online that most people wouldn’t even have it now.

4. Backwards Compatibility

I think most of you can probably tell what I’m going to say here: PlayStation really needs to sort out backwards compatibility. There are plenty of defences for this decision: the hardware isn’t capable, it’s too expensive to sort out, etc, etc. I want to go ahead and call bullsh*t on this one. There is no way that the PS4 could not be made to play either PS1 or PS2 titles. I will concede that maybe you can’t emulate the PS3 since it had weird architecture and was a right bugger to deal with for devs. The main reason, in my opinion at least, that PlayStation will not add backwards compatibility to the PS4 is because of PlayStation Now, a streaming service they have pumped a lot of revenue and R&D into. Enabling us to simply put in our old discs of games would basically cripple this already not amazing service. As I said in my PlayStation Now review, the streaming is far from ready for public consumption, and the fact that Sony have poured so much effort into it just smacks of complacency to me.

3. Making It Harder to Get Cross-Console PS Plus Games

A little while ago having PlayStation Plus was awesome for me. I was still using a PS3, so there were plenty of triple A titles being released, and the occasional indie game was a welcome break from the high glitz and glamour of most mainstream titles. One of the best parts of this was the ability to add PS4 and Vita titles to my account even without owning the consoles, so that when I inevitably bought one or both of them, I would already have a library of games to play with from day 1.

You may or may not know this, but that is no longer the case. Yes, if you have PS Plus you can access these games for free and add them to your account, but they no longer show up in the ‘Monthly Games’ section on the PS4. Instead, you have 2 options: the first is to manually search the store on the PS4, which has mixed success. Sometimes instead of the ‘add to your account’ or whatever button, I am presented with ‘free with PlayStation Now’…this really grinds my gears. If I wanted to pay far too much money for a barely functional service I would subscribe to Origin Access. All I want is to add the game that I have paid money for to my account so that if I repurchase a working PS3 or Vita I can actually play these games.

Failing the use of the console itself, you have to log on to the PlayStation Store on a computer to add the games that way, which is at least much easier than trying to do it on a PS4. The issue is that it shouldn’t be this difficult to add these games, as much as I am loathed to compare Sony to Microsoft again. At least with Xbox I can build up a collection of free Xbox One games on my Xbox 360, so that without any fiddling I will have an Xbox One library when I get one in the not too distant future. I can’t see why Sony would want to make it harder for people who support them on multiple platforms to access the games they’re paying the subscription for.


2. Terrible Customer Relations

This number goes much further than failing to listen to the things their fans have said. For anyone who isn’t aware, Reddit these days is surprisingly filled with horror stories from people who were unfortunate enough to have their accounts hacked and have huge, huge debts racked up on their bank accounts and cards. For most this would be a simple fix of returning or disabling the items the hacker had bought and using security questions or something similar to verify the person on the phone is the true owner of the account. Problem solved. However, Sony do not seem to be able to grasp this concept at the moment, with most people in this situation being told that they can only refund a limited amount of money, and that if they get their bank to dispute the charges then their account will be permabanned.

It is true that high profile cases of this happening do eventually seem to get a resolution, but just think about the number of other people who have this happen to them and might never have gotten anything done about it. Considering Sony’s previous track record with security issues, they should probably be a bit more caring with people who have their accounts stolen, and hell they might even want to try stepping up their game from a security standpoint. I know many people who put off spending money on their PlayStation accounts because they don’t want their card details leaked to the unwashed masses on the internet, something I don’t think anyone can blame them for.

1. The PS4K

Okay, so you’re going to have to bear with me on this one, it’s a hell of a topic to cover at the moment. As many of you may know, Sony recently announced an upgraded console that is basically a newer PS4 that is capable of putting out 4K graphics for people with big fancy televisions. A lot of criticism has been levelled at this decision from many different places, and I find myself agreeing with the ‘this is stupid’ crowd.

The 4K is going to be a console that most people aren’t going to bother buying, it’s expensive and 4K televisions aren’t common enough to warrant an entire production run of a new console with slightly different specs. If the console isn’t going to have any exclusive content (which as far as we know it isn’t), then it is basically pointless and is likely to lose Sony money on production (something that is common with console production already). If, however, there is exclusive content for just this console, then you’re going to annoy people who’ve only just purchased themselves a standard PS4. If we examine this second possibility more closely, it throws up another issue. Much like with the Kinect and Move, people are going to be dubious about developing for the system. With less people owning it, less people are likely to buy it, and because of that the devs are likely to lose money hand over fist if they pour effort into the game. If they don’t put effort into it, then the new games are likely to be bad and drive sales down on the 4K, making it less likely that good games are going to be made for the system at all.

Frankly, at the end of the day, the 4K upgrade is something that should be coming much further down the line. How many systems have failed in the past because they were on the bleeding edge of technology and were too expensive or clunky to be worth people buying, resulting in a huge failure and eventually a console that no one knows or cares about.

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Mario Zaccone May 12, 2016 at 17:23

Good points. You stated “Sony recently announced…” but Sony has NOT officially announced anything, have they? Yes, the rumors seem legit but until Sony makes an official announcement we don’t know what exactly it’s going to be or when it’s coming. To add to your point, how are the MILLIONS of PS4 “casual” owners who bought a vanilla PS4 since Black Friday 2015 going to feel when they find out they could have waited less than a year to get a better system for only $50 more? Most “casuals” don’t keep up with gaming news and rumors so I highly doubt they’ve heard of the PS4K. Glad I heard the rumors before buying the vanilla PS4, I really want to play Uncharted and LoU. I’m hoping Sony announces something about the PS4K at E3.

ShadowLink_28 May 13, 2016 at 10:03

Good points, especially the fact that PS4 seems to be where all the casuals have flocked to this generation. Good luck finding a sony fan who will admit that though lol

ShadowLink_28 May 13, 2016 at 10:03

Good points, especially the fact that PS4 seems to be where all the casuals have flocked to this generation. Good luck finding a sony fan who will admit that though lol

Will Worrall May 16, 2016 at 18:41

I was made aware of the fact that it wasn’t an official announcement recently so yeah that was my bad, I’ll be more careful in the future.

Thanks For Reading.

Mario Zaccone May 12, 2016 at 17:23

Good points. You stated “Sony recently announced…” but Sony has NOT officially announced anything, have they? Yes, the rumors seem legit but until Sony makes an official announcement we don’t know what exactly it’s going to be or when it’s coming. To add to your point, how are the MILLIONS of PS4 “casual” owners who bought a vanilla PS4 since Black Friday 2015 going to feel when they find out they could have waited less than a year to get a better system for only $50 more? Most “casuals” don’t keep up with gaming news and rumors so I highly doubt they’ve heard of the PS4K. Glad I heard the rumors before buying the vanilla PS4, I really want to play Uncharted and LoU. I’m hoping Sony announces something about the PS4K at E3.

Ruggarell May 13, 2016 at 10:32

Playstation is and will always be the best because it always has the best Japanese games end of story. Until Playstation stops getting single player oriented Japanese games I enjoy, I will always support each Playstation home console. Also some great western games as a bonus.

Ryo Shenmue May 14, 2016 at 01:22

Actually no, Nintendo has always had the best japanese games and exclusives in general. There’s not another videogame producer in the world that’s on the same level as Nintendo.

Lupe May 14, 2016 at 09:18

Sure, if you’re counting Mario rehashes and Zelda rereleases

Ruggarell May 14, 2016 at 15:09

Nintendo consoles USED to always have the best Japanese games but that stopped about 20 years ago with the PS1.

Stop living in the Nintendo twilight zone bruh.

Ryo Shenmue May 14, 2016 at 01:22

Actually no, Nintendo has always had the best japanese games and exclusives in general. There’s not another videogame producer in the world that’s on the same level as Nintendo.

Ruggarell May 13, 2016 at 10:32

Playstation is and will always be the best because it always has the best Japanese games end of story. Until Playstation stops getting single player oriented Japanese games I enjoy, I will always support each Playstation home console. Also some great western games as a bonus.

jacksjus May 13, 2016 at 13:15

I agree with # 1.
The rest hasn’t appeared to slow the hype train one bit.
No. 1 still remains to be seen however.

Bilal Prince-Ali May 13, 2016 at 15:38

I dont understand how people like you and others exist!!! Since when was OPTIONS a bad thing!!!!? NO ONE HAS TO BLOODY BUY A PS4K!!! NO ONE IS BEING COERCED OR FORCED! IT’S YOUR GOD DAMN CHOICEE!!!!

Jesus christ, You whiny peopel are soo effing annoying! If something has no interest to you ho does it make sense to complain about it when you yourself have no intention of buying!!!? Please explain the logic! One of your gripes is that theres no where near enough people with 4K Tv’s to warrant the upgrade! But what the hell does that ‘implication’ have to do with you!? How does what people lack got to do with you backing something that will not effect your gaming experience!? Is it your money form your pocket going towards the manufacturing of the PS4k!? It’s soo annoying how people keep perosnalising this ‘argument’ against the PS4K!

And your point about many have tried to be advanced in the past but it’s ended up ‘clunky’.. Is a bullshit reason! How does technology advance if its never attempted!? Than kfuck you’re not an inventor or scientist you would be a ‘Tomorrow’ guy and not a ‘today’ kinda guy.. No vision and no drive. And furthermore could you not say the EXACT same thing about VR!? And look how the implementation has changed the old perception of “Good VR cant be done”

Honestly your PS4K point was garbage like everyone else’s ‘argument’ of why its bad… And btw Sony HAVEN’T announced any sort of PS4K so the entire paragraph is just further proof its trash -_-

Will Worrall May 16, 2016 at 18:39

You are a very angry young man.

You’re quite right of course about it not having anything really that personal to do with me other than the fact that I’ve been a fan of Sony since I was a small child, and anything that could potentially damage a company that I’ve known and trusted for such a long time strikes me as something worth talking about.

I would also say that yes technological advancement is a great thing and if people didn’t try things we wouldn’t ever have anything new, but commercial companies like Sony have R&D departments for things like that. Not to mention the fact that a lot of technological advancement these days has a tendency to happen in Universities were new technologies can be trailed with little financial burden to worry about.

On your last point I am completely away that Sony haven’t officially announced anything, at least I am aware of that now, but the scope of the rumours has been breathtaking. I am 95% that the sources which have briefly talked about Sony’s plans for the device are legitimate and at the end of the day it won’t matter too much if they turn out to have been wrong in the long run. I will at least concede that this was a mistake on my part, my bad guys.

Thank you for your patronage.

PCMR Truth™ #BlockMeIWin July 3, 2016 at 19:17

1. No games
2. No games
3. Underpowered 24FPS garbage
4. No games
5. Nogames lol

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