Ubisoft have officially announced the next installment in the critically acclaimed Far Cry franchise, Far Cry Primal. The game will be available on PS4, Xbox...
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition will release worldwide on October 27 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Nordic Games has today announced. The game will cost...
Respawn Entertainment’s hugely successful game Titanfall have reached a 10 million milestone, Studio founder Vince Zampella has announced on Twitter. On Twitter Zampella didn’t specified...
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate will take up over 40GB on your Xbox One hard-drive, Microsoft has revealed. The Xbox Store has the game available to pre-order...
Welcome to this weeks Character Bio #Issue 2. Todays character up for review is. The ladies man who could charm he’s way out of any dangerous situation or...
The announcement that Sony has discontinued the PlayStation 3 in New Zealand hasn’t come as a surprise. Afterall, it has been nearly two years since...
Horror game SOMA has sold 92,000 copies across all platforms since it launched on PC and PS4 earlier this month, Frictional Games has today announced....