Battlefield 1 Trailer Has Been Recreated in GTA V and It’s Awesome!

When I saw the Battlefield 1 trailer, the last thing I expected was for it to be re-created in GTA V. It’s not even like the games are even remotely similar, right? However, that hasn’t stopped YouTuber 57chevy150 from recreating the epic Battlefield 1 trailer in Rockstar’s open-world game GTA V.

Of course, there are no horses in GTA V, so they very cleverly used bikes instead, and there are other slight differences, but I think we can let that slide due to the different nature of both games. You can only imagine how tedious it must have been, let alone the amount of work and collaboration that went into creating it. It’s a great watch, and we definitely recommend you check it out below.

57chevy150 also created a video showing the original trailer playing side-by-side with his Battlefield 1 trailer he recreated in Grand Theft Auto V.

It’s pretty impressive right? Well, it looks even better when you watch both trailers side-by-side. It’s only then that you truly appreciate the effort and talent that went into creating it.

If you want to see how they were able to make the trailer in GTA V, this other video will give you a small glimpse of the work involved.

Pretty sweet, eh?

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