Telltale Games are no strangers to comic book adaptations, some of the studio’s biggest products being their critically acclaimed narrative-driven adaptations of Image Comic’s The...
Koei Tecmo has just released a new trailer for their new game, Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada. The trailer focuses on revealing the newest additions...
With PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds now being released for a few weeks, the devs have been listening to the players of this early access title and are...
PlatinumGames’ Bayonetta is officially released to PC gamers after 7 years since its first release on 7th gen consoles. Designed by director of the first...
Undead Labs Games director of community, Sam Weathers, has posted a blog update on the upcoming zombie survival sequel State of Decay 2. Weathers goes on...
Retro-styled games are thankfully alive and well, with a massive high five and thanks to Kickstarter. The crowdfunding juggernaut continues to allow games developers to...