In My Head: Sony Beat Microsoft at E3Joe DaplingJune 25, 2016July 5, 2016 by Joe DaplingJune 25, 2016July 5, 2016 Welcome back to In My Head, where this time I’m voicing my opinions on the recent conferences at E3. Whilst there are so many things...
God of War Is BackKane NewellJune 14, 2016June 14, 2016 by Kane NewellJune 14, 2016June 14, 2016 The Sony E3 2016 conference kicked off with a new God of War game, which looks to be inspired by “Norse Mythology” and was introduced in...
Have You Played…God of War?Jorge GodinezApril 7, 2016 by Jorge GodinezApril 7, 2016 God of War on the Playstation 2 was a highlight of the system’s lifetime. The success of the game brought about the creation of various...
D.G.M.’s Gaming Life Before Gaming Respawn Part 22Daniel Garcia-MontesMarch 9, 2016May 1, 2016 by Daniel Garcia-MontesMarch 9, 2016May 1, 2016 Welcome back to “D.G.M.’s Gaming Life Before Gaming Respawn”. Part 22 will focus on the first few games that make up the God of War...
Kane’s Character Bio of the Week: #Issue 4 – KratosKane NewellOctober 19, 2015October 19, 2015 by Kane NewellOctober 19, 2015October 19, 2015 Welcome to this weeks Character Bio #Issue 4. Todays character up for review is the bald headed brute, with some serious daddy issues, a powerful being out...
Player One: The Unforgettable HeroA.J. MaraAugust 2, 2015 by A.J. MaraAugust 2, 2015 Player One: The Unforgettable Hero “Great, chainsaw,” I blurt as I quickly barricade the house I’m sandwiched in. I had to think fast. VROOM VROOM...