1.4 million Xbox One & Xbox 360 consoles shipped in Microsoft’s Q4 2015

1.4 million Xbox One and Xbox 360 consoles were shipped between April 1st and June 30th, Microsoft has announced. 12.1 million consoles have been shipped for the fiscal year that just ended with only 11.7 million consoles being shipped the previous fiscal year.

Microsot also generated $22.2bn in revenue for the quarter ending 30th June 2015, however made an overall loss of $2.1bn thanks to its restructuring of the Nokia division.

Xbox One and Xbox 360 revenue increased by $86 million, a 10% rise, thanks to the amount of consoles Microsoft have been able to sell, aided by the reduction in price of the Xbox One. Transactions on Xbox Live also increased by $205 million (58%) as a result of more users using Xbox Live with each user on average spending more than previously.

The Xbox brand as a whole however saw an increase in revenue of 27% due to strong console and first-party game sales as well as the increase in Xbox Live transactions.

Microsoft SEO Satya Nadella released a statement saying, “Our approach to investing in areas where we have differentiation and opportunity is paying off with Surface, Xbox, Bing, Office 365, Azure and Dynamics CRM Online all growing by at least double-digits. And the upcoming release of Windows 10 will create new opportunities for Microsoft and our ecosystem.”


Source: Microsoft


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