PHOGS! Ready for Walkies December 3rd

Great news for those who have been wanting more news on the indie casual puzzle adventure PHOGS!, Coatsink and Bit Loom Games are proud to announce that our favourite duo of dogs are ready to play on PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, Stadia, Xbox One, Xbox Game Pass for console and Xbox Game Pass for PC on December 3rd and will be priced at $24.99 USD. Don’t worry, those who are getting a PlayStation 5 or an Xbox Series X, the game will also be playable on both next gen consoles through backwards compatibility.

We are excited that our hooman friends will be able to take us for walkies on so many different platforms! FWENDS! YAAAAAY! I CAN’T WAIT TO PLAY WITH OUR NEW FWENDS!!!
Official Statement from Red & Blue

For those who don’t remember what PHOGS! is about, here’s a refresher. In PHOGS! you play as a duo of dogs on a captivating, puzzle-filled adventure. Linked by a stretchy belly, you’ll need to bark, bite and bounce your way through obstacles set across the themed worlds of Food, Sleep and Play in single-player, couch or online co-op. Down below you can watch the release date reveal trailer.


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