Humanity has been announced as being published by Enhance, the studio behind Tetris Effect and Rez Infinite, and developed by tha ltd. Humanity was just shown off at Sony’s State of Play today and will be coming to PlayStation 4 in 2020 with optional PlayStation VR support. The game appears to have the player controlling large groups of people in a surreal environment.
The press release said, “The short teaser trailer focuses on HUMANITY’s stark but iconic look, and use of massive crowds of individual people of all kinds, as they work together and fight against each other in various ways. Key features like controls, gameplay mechanics, and narrative elements are only hinted at, to be revealed next year in the lead up to launch.” It was also noted that Enhance joined the project in early 2018 to assist with publishing, level design, and gameplay consulting.

What are your thoughts on Humanity? Was this a personal highlight of Sony’s State of Play? Let us know in the comments below.