Fallout 4 Announced

After years of waiting, Bethesda have finally given us our first glimpse of Fallout 4 in a brand new announcement trailer. The first sign that something was coming occurred yesterday, when Bethesda’s website began displaying the famous Fallout, ‘Please Stand By’ screen with a 24 hour countdown timer. The internet quickly entered a frenzy of uncomfortable hype, after the hoax of last year. But rest assured, this one is 100% official.

Fallout 4 will be the first Fallout game developed by Bethesda Game Studios since the award winning Fallout 3 back in 2008. No other details, other than the the trailer have been released yet, but Bethesda have assured us more will be coming at E3, when the developer will hold a pressconference on June 14th. You can watch the trailer below.

As you can see, this Fallout world has lot more going for it than compared to other games. It looks to be that you play a character that has recently left Vault 111, to explore a now less grey depiction of the wasteland with many interesting monuments and locations. New robots, enemies and characters are shown and of course, the game’s power armour.

Fallout 3 was released not too long after being announced, with a release date in the same year. Perhaps this could then mean that there may even be some playable content available at E3, which would warrant the full press conference that Bethesda has prepared. Of course this is all speculation, but we can all hope.


Source: http://fallout4.com

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