Be prepared, horror fans, Bendy and the Ink Machine – Chapter One is out today over at The latest game from the mutli-talented The Meatly. Chapter One sets the tone for game, set in an animation workhouse, you need to solve the riddle and get out. While horror as a genre isn’t something I generally gravitate to, Chapter One was indeed a good time. The art in the game is downright fantastic and really brought it all to life. Needless to say, I can’t wait for more. For those wishing to check it out themselves, you can get it here : Bendy and the Ink Machine

Derek Miller
Grew up gaming, worked in gaming, now writing about gaming. Even though I've been around it all my life I still try to take a sane and reasonable approach when it comes to talking about games. When not reviewing games here I can be found wasting my day on Twitter.