Assassin’s Creed has grown up. From an ambitious stealth series to a full-fledged role-playing game, this hugely popular series has overcome its shortcomings and criticisms...
Pilot Sports is a third-person sports game focused around flying using different methods. The game is developed by Z-Software GmbH and published by EuroVideo Medien....
MagiCat is a retro-style action-adventure game with a hint of puzzle solving. The game was developed by Kucing Rembes and published by Toge Productions. It was...
Nintendo aren’t exactly strangers to developing unique peripherals for their young and old fans to enjoy. From the Nintendo Power Glove to the Wii Fit...
Behind the Screen is an indie action/adventure puzzle game that is developed by 18Light and published by COSEN, originally released on Steam and now available...
Some of the most popular video games ever released are blank canvases, just waiting for your vision to be created. Rollercoaster Tycoon, Theme Hospital, Civilisation...
The Nintendo Switch is really becoming an amazing platform for people to try older games once again. Take Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut. The game originally...