BioWare’s New IP Will Mix Elements from Destiny and The Division

Following the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda, BioWare’s attention has turned to its next game, which is believed to be a brand new IP that has been in development since 2012. The game, which is codenamed Dylan, is expected to be revealed during EA Play, which will take place during E3 2017.

So far, not much is known about Dylan, with EA and BioWare remaining tight-lipped about the project; however, according to independent researcher Liam ‘Unseen 64’ Robertson, this new IP will be BioWare’s attempt at tapping into the MMO market and will combine elements from games such as Destiny and The Division.

Speaking on his Patreon podcast, Robertson said, “Dylan is, from what I understand, a sci-fi themed game, it is sort of Destiny-style, takes some elements from The Division, it has like MMO elements. Someone described it as a ‘semi-MMO’.”

“I don’t know much more than that… it is a huge scale project, perhaps the biggest BioWare has ever done. It’s bigger than Mass Effect Andromeda, considerably so. It will have co-op.”

This new IP is expected to release before the end of March 2018, so it seems likely that we’ll know more during E3 2017. The question is, what exactly is this new IP?

Source: *Liam Robertson

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