Star Citizen now open to all backers

Star Citizen is now open to all backers of the game with alpha access and module passes being removed, Cloud Imperium Games has announced.

This means that for anyone who purchased a game package for Star Citizen will now be able to access all parts of the game which have been released live. In the recent Letter From the Chairman from Chris Roberts, he revealed that as a thank you the studio would be removing the Alpha Access and $5 Module passes which previously were needed to take part.

“Anyone who has pledged for a Star Citizen Package can now play today without worrying they won’t have access to some portion of the ‘Verse in the future”, stated Roberts. “No Star Marine pass, no Alpha 2.0 pass… no additional payment needed for any module in the works, pre-release. Going forward, should we need to put out some sort of limited release it will be done through the PTU test server. All backers will have access to any live release, the moment it publishes.”

In addition to allowing all backers access, Cloud Imperium Games will also be giving 10,000 UEC (United Earth Credits) to all alpha access package backers, while anyone with a Arena Commander pass being given 5,000 UEC, although Community Manager Jared Huckaby has said that instead it will be a $5 of in-store credit. Roberts also said that a big script will be needed to allow the credit payout to take place so it may take a few days for the logistics of it to be ironed out.

Star Citizen has also reached one million backers which continues to grow.

“Knowing that one million people (and growing!) are counting on us will only further fuel our desire to deliver. Every member of the Star Citizen team already knows that we work for the backers… and reaching one million is just another reminder why we are giving this project all of ourselves”, said Roberts. “Right now that’s getting Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 in shape to share with all of you in the near future, and we’re in the process of closing down Star Marine as well.”

He ended, “Until then, the team and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts in making this possible. Star Citizen lives by the support it receives from the community, and that support has been loud and clear over these past three years. As I look around at artists, designers and engineers prepping Constellations and Retaliators for their multi-crew launch, I can say with certainty: I will see you very soon… in the ‘Verse!”

Have you backed Star Citizen? Let us know your thoughts on the game below.

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