The Elder Scrolls 6 Won’t Release in 2017, as It’s Not Even in Development

Fans of The Elder Scrolls franchise will be disappointed to hear that despite comments from analyst Michael Pachter, The Elder Scrolls 6 won’t be releasing in 2017, according to Bethesda’s Vice President of PR/ Marketing Pete Hines.

Pachter revealed his predications for 2017 last week in an article for where he stated that he believed that Bethesda would be releasing the next instalment in The Elder Scrolls series at some point next year. While Bethesda are yet to make an official announcement about The Elder Scrolls 6, they have hinted at it previously. In fact, in response to Michael Pachter’s comments, Pete Hines went on to confirm on Twitter that the game is happening but that, unfortunately, Pachter’s predictions were way off the mark.

Michael Pachter, though, believes that Bethesda are closer to releasing the game than they are letting on. It’s this hope that some gamers appear to be clinging onto, although both Pete Hines and Todd Howard have stated numerous times that they are working on other projects which will release before The Elder Scrolls 6.

Speaking about 2017, Pachter said, “The next Elder Scrolls installment comes out, the next Half Life instalment does not. I think Bethesda is close, and think that Valve is not. However, I’d like to be half wrong on this one.”

Unfortunately, The Elder Scrolls 6 may be further away though than some have thought, with Pete Hines insisting on Twitter that the game isn’t even in development yet, and that the studio has two other projects they are working on before they can even get started on TES 6.

Pachter did take time out to respond to Pete Hines’ comments, however, where he stuck by his prediction and said that Hines and Howard were talking in dog years rather than normal years. He did add though that he would change his estimate to 2018 for The Elder Scrolls 6, but that Bethesda don’t have his permission “for later”.

There’s one thing for sure though, Michael Pachter definitely believes that Bethesda are further along in development with The Elder Scrolls 6 than they are willing to admit. We’ll just have to sit and wait for some official news from Bethesda.

We’ve established that The Elder Scrolls 6 is happening. We just don’t know when yet.

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