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Dick Wilde 2 Preview

After having played a sample from the developers, I can safely say that Dick Wilde 2 is fun to play. It oozes fun from start to finish, and the levels you play are bright and colourful, to say the least. Bolverk Games have been hard at work creating the next instalment to this series, and Playstock London will be publishing the game later this month (February). The developers have been busy filling this title out with more challenges, more guns and more of everything. And to add the icing to the cake, they have confirmed that the game will be cross platform supported for multiplayer for various VR platforms, which include Oculus, Steam, PSVR and HTC Vive. For more info on that, see HERE.

If It Moves, Shoot It

Even if it doesn’t, I’d recommend shoot it anyways. Dick Wilde 2 is definitely fun to play. Within minutes, the feel of the weapons, the menus, it all feels familiar. The currency within the game is earned through the levels you play. Save up enough and you can purchase goodies at the end of every round. Let me tell you, some of these guns are insane. In my preview of this title, all the guns were unlocked with a few levels to try them out in. They range from your typical pistols, revolvers and shotguns. Unconventional weapons, like your mine launchers, laser guns and the like, all add to the fun and really spice things up. These were insanely satisfying to test out.


Now normally, the later guns you can earn are tied through progression of the game. What’s the fun of having everything all at once? The guns can be earned through playing the levels and completing in-game challenges, such as shooting golden carp that jump out of the water, which in turn gives you golden keys to collect. Collect enough and the rewards will be yours to reap in the form of bigger, wackier guns to test to your heart’s desire.


Now, this title has been developed with the core concept of having a friend in tow with you blasting the enemies that unluckily happen to come across you. Unfortunately, I was not able to test this feature, but I can say that after a good few hours of gameplay, having a friend in this game will be extremely helpful. The pace at which the game is played is fast. If you don’t pay attention to where enemies are attacking you from, you can quickly get overwhelmed, so an extra set of guns from a friend will be a most welcome addition.

Things I Would Like to See

After having played this for a good while, I have noticed a few things I would like to see implemented. Now, these points that I will make are minor, but I felt that they needed to be mentioned. When playing, you have the option to see the various guns to purchase. But, when browsing these selections, I feel as though a visual representation should be available to you before purchasing; this way you can actually see the gun before committing to it.

Also, when buying said guns, I would like to have the ability to swap them between hands, especially if it isn’t a gun you have used before. As most people have a favoured hand for most everyday tasks, I sometimes bought a gun for my stronger hand that would have been more suited for the weaker, and I couldn’t change it. And lastly, a gun range would be nice to test out guns and get a good feel of what works best for you. That way, you can work your way up to them, being confident in your chosen weapons of destruction and learning the best way to use them; you don’t use a pistol the same way as a launcher.

All in all, I was very impressed with the game, and I will definitely be picking this up to add to my growing VR collection since it will definitely be played and will be fun to watch when having friends over.

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