Elden Ring: Nightreign Network Test Set for February 14th

Ladies and gentlemen, the next chapter of the Elden Ring series is here with Elden Ring: Nightreign.

The registration period for the Elden Ring: Nightreign Global Network Test on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S has officially started, beginning January 10th and running through January 20th at 9 a.m. EST, 6 a.m. PST.

The schedule for the Global Network test’s registration and test periods.


The actual Elden Ring: Nightreign Network Test starts on Valentine’s Day (February 14th) and runs through February 16th in 5 different Sessions. In the fine print above the sign-up form, it says that interested participants must be 17 years or older, live in either North America, South America, or Central America, and have a valid PSN or Xbox account with which to redeem a code if it’s received

According to the official sign-up page, it also says that the Network test will be a preliminary verification test, whereby selected code receivers will play a portion of the game prior to the launch of Elden Ring: Nightreign.

We will keep you updated here on Gaming Respawn and share our thoughts on the game’s network test, should we manage to acquire a code to enter.

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