Developed by Nippon Ichi Software, Process of Elimination is part visual novel, part detective simulation game with puzzle elements woven into its gameplay. After originally...
Wonder Boy Anniversary Collection is a compilation title that seeks to bring a series of classic games, the Wonder Boy series, onto modern platforms. If...
Atomic Heart is one of those games that experienced countless delays year after year before its official release this February 21st, 2023. Seemingly styled around...
Around 15 years ago, Dead Space 08’ created a terrifying new look into the sci-if survival horror genre. Visceral Games created grotesque monsters in a...
With the immense popularity of games like Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon, alongside hidden gems like Grow: Song of the Evertree, cozy games...
The extraordinary minds behind the Dead Space franchise have finally released their new independent project, The Callisto Protocol. Glen Schofield, the lead director for the...
The newest addition to the Marvel mobile gaming universe has arrived in the form of Marvel Snap, a new multiplayer collectable card game featuring all...
After learning about the long-running Gungrave series of video games, I was optimistic about my first experience with a Gungrave title. Expecting a showcase of...
For the longest time, Sonic the Hedgehog has been merely existing, relying very much on nostalgia and past successes. There are solid installments out there,...