Providing a long-awaited return to The Dark Place, Alan Wake II significantly ramps up the horror and introduces a new cast of interesting characters with...
Insomniac’s first web-swing into Spider-Man games back in 2018 with Marvel’s Spider-Man was, rather appropriately, spectacular (“amazing” works too since the subject is Spider-Man). It...
Bold and Interesting Journey to Decide Your Fate. I really applaud developers who try to deliver unique experiences, which Fate/Samurai Remnant certainly is. However, the...
Assassin’s Creed: Mirage is Ubisoft’s latest instalment in the Assassin’s Creed franchise. I’m a massive fan of the series, and I have probably owned and...
Fighting game fans have been spoiled with the brand new entry in NetherRealm Studios’ most popular gory brawler, Mortal Kombat. Set within a new era...
Generally, the PlayStation 5 lacks top-notch arcade racing games to play. Alas, Ubisoft and Ivory Tower have the potential to seize a sizable market share...