Naughty Dog has apologised for using Assassin’s Creed art in Uncharted 4 trailer

Naughty Dog has issued an apology after concept art from Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag was found in the Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Story Trailer which was released yesterday.

The trailer showed a picture resting on top of Nathan Drake’s fireplace which was nearly identical to a piece of concept art Ubisoft released for Black Flag several years ago. The main difference was the removal of a figure which was not shown in the picture in the trailer but appeared in the original concept art.

Ubisoft quickly spotted the art, with several key people at Ubisoft making tweets which took a dig at Naughty Dog for stealing their artwork and using it in the trailer.

“In our eagerness to get the story trailer out we made a regrettable mistake and didn’t thoroughly vet the art work used for an in game painting,” Naughty Dog said in a post on its website. “We’ve already updated the trailer. We hold all artistry in high regard and take full responsibility for having allowed this to happen.”

“We want to sincerely apologize to everyone at Ubisoft, the Assassin’s Creed team, the original artist, and our fans.”

In addition to issuing an apology, Naughty Dog have also updated the trailer following the incident which you can view below.


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