Fallout 4 Season Pass becomes Steam’s Top Seller following DLC Announcement

Following yesterday’s announcement of the DLC plans for Fallout 4, the game’s Season Pass has seen a huge surge in sales therefore taking it to the top of Steam’s Top Sellers list.

Fallout 4’s Season Pass is now outselling the likes of Dark Sould III, Street Fighter V, XCOM 2 and The Division. However the reason for the surge of sales is down to the announcement that the Fallout 4 Season Pass will be rising in price from £24.99 to £39.99 on March 1 to reflect the amount of DLC heading to Fallout 4 in the coming months and beyond.

Anyone who purchases the Season Pass between now and March 1 will still receive all future DLC for Fallout 4 for just £24.99, therefore Fallout 4 owners are scrambling to grab the Season Pass at the reduced price before the increase takes place.

The three pieces of DLC which are coming in March, April and May cost over £30 altogether when bought separately, making the Season Pass excellent value for money, especially given the fact that more DLC is yet to be announced. Although once the price of the Season Pass does increase, it will still represent good value for money.

Fallout 3 had five add-on packs while Fallout New Vegas had four. Therefore it’s likely Fallout 4 will have at least four add-ons, with Far Harbor being the first one releasing in May 2016. Far Harbor will retail at £19.99 meaning that if there is a minimum of four add-ons, it will cost at least £80 therefore making the Season Pass very appealing.

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4 Comment

DominusRebellis February 18, 2016 - 04:40

So the fuckers at Bethesda are actually going to pull this shit eh? If Bethesda even thinks of ripping console owners out of the promised “mods” and instead selling them DLC, they will have a class action lawsuit on their hands for false advertising and providing misleading information leading to sales. I would love to see Bethesda crumble.

MONKEY.D LUFFY February 18, 2016 - 05:43

Holy mama !! 80$ for all dis sh@t ? I read other articles that season pass cost 24$ & will jump into 50$

Forget it ..I am not gonna buy that pile of garbage march is getting cool games I should save up my money 😛

Stephen February 18, 2016 - 13:38

The season pass won’t cost $80, in the article it mentions that if there are four DLC’s the same size as Far Harbor and each costs, £19.99, the season pass at the new price would still be good value for money as the main DLC’s would come to £80 altogether plus you would still get the extra DLC’s like Wasteland Workshop etc, all for just £24.99 (If you buy Pass now) or £39.99 if you buy the pass in the future

MONKEY.D LUFFY February 18, 2016 - 19:51

Thanks man for clarification 🙂

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