Mad Catz R.A.T. Pro X Review

From controller chargers to batteries, popular gaming peripheral creators Mad Catz have come a long way. More recently making the expensive but awesome Rock Band kit for the franchise’s fourth instalment, Mad Catz know where the money is at. They have kindly given us at Gaming Respawn a sample of their high end professional gaming mouse the R.A.T. Pro X to shout about, but does this pricey bit of kit match its badass name? I’m going to review this in a few steps: the look, the feel, the performance, and value.

The look

Bluntly put, this thing looks awesome, like Optimus Prime’s foot. Plastic attachments fit onto a magnesium alloy frame to create something you would find in a fighter plane cockpit. These attachments can detach and change with the few extras to choose from that came with the mouse itself. Underneath, a sensor attachment displays the letter ‘A’ which, using the button beside it, can be switched to 1 through 5 which represent differently programmed button layouts. The colour scheme used by Mad Catz is black, silver, and illuminous yellow which certainly gives the R.A.T. Pro X its futuristic aesthetic. A mighty fine piece of kit to look at.


Feel and Performance

Placing your hand atop the R.A.T. Pro X feels natural. The left and right buttons, plus the palm rest, all fit perfectly regardless of hand size. To increase comfort, the R.A.T. Pro X comes with replacement attachments which fit underneath the left and right buttons, which have extended lips which veer off to the left and right. These are used to rest your thumb and pinky, and it feels great with no part of your hand dragging across the surface of a mouse mat. Underneath, there are ceramic pads which glide across any surface with such finesse, even the slightest movement is detected thanks to the 8200 dpi sensor unit which gives you extra control during gaming. The R.A.T. Pro X is easily the best mouse I have ever used in terms of feeling and performance. It is the best choice for competitive situations, if that’s your scene. Every button including the subtle ones on the side of the chassis are programmable, which can then be saved into the onboard memory. A mouse with onboard memory? I know, mental! These programmable button layouts are handy so that you don’t have to wave your keyboard hand around to find the key that switches weapons, or more importantly, drinks that health potion, and they are easy to program.

Mad Catz claim to have reinvented the wheel, and they aren’t wrong. The mouse wheel is robust and solid and, again, customisable. The outer rim of the wheel can be removed and replaced for a rough grip or a nice and smooth one. Clicking it feels solid too. Scrolling it feels stiff, though I felt this helped prevent accidentally turning it which could prove devastating during the spoils of war (so to speak).

Another feel good aspect of this fantastic product is the wire. It’s surrounded by a very robust and flexible fabric which makes it feel more like a shoelace than a USB cable. It’s long too.



The R.A.T. Pro X is great value for money if you’re willing to fork out £150. I know it’s a lot, but if you’re serious about P.C. gaming, then you are getting your money’s worth without a shadow of a doubt. There are cheaper mice out there that would give you a similar experience, however this is the best available. The smoothness, the awesome look, and the crazy customisation outside and inside the unit make this the ultimate gaming mouse.