The K/D Ratio #1 – No Man’s Sky to become a huge disappointment?

No Man’s Sky, take off? Or emergency landing?

Over the last couple of years the Indie gaming scene has been growing and growing, producing tons of new unique, fresh and exciting games. People have started to take notice and that’s down to the hard work and some of the gems that have been produced. Admittedly these gems are few and far between, for every one gem there is multiple trash that follows it. Then every once in a while we are treated with something that threatens to shake the games industry to its core and has even the most hardcore gamer that only plays AAA titles peaked in interest. The latest game to do this is of course No Man’s Sky, a game full of incredible ambition and innovation that hasn’t been seen before.

The scope of this game is scary, players are free to explore an open universe, which includes over 18 quintillion planets. This is one of the many reasons why we need a good balance of indie developers as well as big AAA companies. As without developers willing to take a huge risk like this, there would never be games like No Man’s Sky. I think it’s safe to say everyone in the gaming industry is hoping this game succeeds and does well.

But will it succeed? I’m not convinced it will and I don’t believe No Man’s Sky is the game we are all hoping for.

Firstly lets talk about the scope and size of the game, No Man’s Sky has a procedurally generated open universe, which includes over 18 quintillion planets. That’s an insane amount of planets and there is no way each one of these will get explored. Apparently to stop and visit each planet for a mere second will take 5 billion years!. Which leads me to wonder about the level of detail the planets will receive. Of course we already know that each planet is procedurally generated but it will still have to work within a certain and restricted set of rules and wont have the same level of detail that a hand crafted world would have. My biggest fear with the scope of the game is that the universe starts to become monotone and boring. Everyone will be looking extra hard to try to notice how each planet is different from each other, so after visiting a dozen or so planets if they all feel the same with just a different colour of skin and lack personality the game will get old, start to feel the same and the world won’t be worth caring about.

Secondly, isn’t No Man’s Sky going to be very repetitive and lonely? The games basic concept is fairly simple, you roam the galaxy map in search of a planet to land on, once you’ve chosen 1 planet out of the 18 quintillion, you fire your space ship and make your approach onto your new alien planet that’s never been discovered before, and you even get to name it. Being a man who likes a simple life, I’ll be calling mine Planet 1 out of 18,000,000,000,000,000,000 or however you write 18 quintillion. You land and take your first steps onto Planet 1 out of 18,000,000,000,000,000,000 and search every nook and cranny of your new home, making lots of new discoverers along the way. For example, I might discover a new species of fish, this amazing fish is blue and has three big eyes but I’m going to name it two-eyed red fish just to confuse the other players that land on my planet, their mind is going to be blown!. Oh wait there’s 18 quintillion planets, what’s the chances of that happening, damn I feel so lonely in the massive yet so empty universe. What’s the point in coming up with all these fancy names if no one is going to see it. Oh well time to do the same thing on Planet 2 out of 18,000,000,000,000,000,000.

I know No Man’s Sky offer’s more than this but nothing else really stands out or sounds interesting. I want to be a space pirate and invade other people with a group of friends and threaten to destroy them and the planets they have discovered Dragon Ball Z style, unless they give me resources and currency. I want bounties placed on my head because I’m a notorious space pirate and watch in awe as my crew get into amazing player space battles from bounty hunters trying to get their Cowboy Bebop on.  I want my own unique planet that I can call my home and base of operations, where I’m able to build a colony of people and start my own civilization, build stuff from my resources I’ve collected, breed animals and tend to my ship. Being alone worked for PlayStation classic Journey, the game was a short experience and it was exciting and special meeting someone anonymous for the first time, only for them to disappear without a warning, leaving you with sadness. This is a completely different experience and if the core gameplay isn’t good enough playing alone in a massive universe isn’t as appealing as it first sounds.


My last concern is the hype that as been surrounding the game, the game has blown up recently in terms of exposure and it’s already been touted as a GOTY contender and it’s on many people’s most anticipated games of 2016. This isn’t the developers fault and now a lot of people will be going into this game blind as they have heard praise after praise for the game and how unique the game will be, this game isn’t going to be for everyone and if you’re not aware of that it will be your own fault. On paper the 18 quintillion planets full of deep exploration is a game seller for most, it’s something new and fresh for us to play. But I believe all this hype has been bad for the game, Hello Games vision for No Man’s Sky is what will be in the final product, that’s how they saw the game and how they wanted to build it, Hello Games being an Indie developer, might have been limited and restricted at certain times to add certain features but for the most part it’s their vision. I fear people will get Hello Games vision mixed up with their own vision for the game. Then abandon and bash the game because it isn’t the game they thought it would be.

Although I have these deep concerns for No Mans Sky, I’m hoping it will prove me wrong and become a huge success and open up the door for more developers to take bigger risks and make the games they truly want to make. Hopefully No Man’s Sky has something special up its sleeve, it’s the type of game that will get people talking to each other, about the stuff they have discovered, secrets to find and what’s in the middle of that massive universe. But so often with games entering new territory, usually the first game doesn’t hit the ground running and generally aren’t the best, but lay the foundations and the benchmark for future games. This could actually be the case for No Man’s Sky, the base game won’t be very good, but they will constantly update and add to the game whilst listening to the player feedback providing us with free DLC and improving the player experience for years to come. Because we sure as hell wont need a No Man’s Sky 2 with a centillion of planets.

My friend at Gaming Respawn Daniel Garcia-Montes wanted to get involved with this topic and here’s his thoughts down below.

Daniel Garcia-Montes shares his opinion

I had a short yet complicated back and forth deal with No Man’s Sky. When I first heard about the game, I was somewhat intrigued when I heard how many different planets would be available to explore in the game world, but I quickly stopped myself from researching it any further for fear of getting involved with yet another huge game. Kind of like when you’re trying to drop a few extra pounds, you don’t want to tempt yourself by staring at the pizza and chocolate chip cookies portion of the buffet table. I’m a picky gamer and make it a point not to get involved with too many different games, because once I get involved, I normally stick with the series in question to the very end. This is also why I normally prefer not to get too many games that can take hundreds of hours to get through. I have Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but I don’t have any of the other games in their respective series since that would just be too much for me. Anyway, time went on and I practically forgot about No Man’s Sky.

Then I decided “what the hell” and looked up more stuff on the game. I checked vid after vid of gameplay and developer interviews of No Man’s Sky, and in no time I found myself adding it to my list of “Must Have Games”. The game’s scope is truly incredible with basically an entire galaxy filled with eighteen quintillion planets to explore, with discovering planet after planet being the main goal. That and reaching the center of the galaxy to see what the hell is in there. This game certainly has a lot of interesting things going for it with its focus on space exploration and survival. In time though, I realized that this may not be the game for me to jump into right away.

While the game shows off how each planet will have a different appearance and its own collection of wildlife, I have to wonder just how different they can really be from each other. I believe the longer a player spends on this game, the greater the chances that the planets will begin sort of blending together and looking like slightly reskinned versions of each other. Furthermore, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of variety to the gameplay. Explore planets, collect material from the environment and wildlife, battle or run away from Sentinel robots that will attack you after depleting too much of a planet’s resources, upgrade your ship or buy a new one so you can fuel it up and fly to other far away planets….and do it all over again. Getting involved with space battles between different NPC factions does sound interesting, but I fear even that may wear thin after a while since you can’t really interact with any NPCs face to face.

Speaking of interacting, it is possible to run into other players while exploring planets, and this feature had me very interested at first since it meant I could probably team up with a friend for some pure co-op gameplay with very little risk of getting involved with any PVP action. I’ve played some PVP type of online games in the past, and while they can be fun, I’ve realized that I prefer cooperative gameplay more. However, the chances of running into another player in No Man’s Sky, let alone a friend, are literally astronomical given the sheer size of the galaxy. The fact we get to name the planets we discover so they can be catalogued in the game’s Atlas is another interesting feature. The downside to this though is that I can see many planets being given names relating to certain parts of the human anatomy by gamers who find that kind of humor to be clever. Let’s be honest, we all know there will be plenty of gamers out there giggling like little schoolgirls after discovering a new planet and calling it “Planet Ass-tastic” or “Schwang Land”. I can only hope there will be some kind of filter that will automatically delete any dirty words once they’re entered into the Atlas.

So do I think No Man’s Sky will suck? No, I wouldn’t go that far. Do I think it will change the face of gaming forever? I wouldn’t go far in that direction either. Honestly, I can see the game selling like hotcakes (what the hell are hotcakes, by the way?) when it eventually gets released. However, I do have to wonder about the game’s lasting appeal. There will of course be a portion of gamers who will live and breathe for this game and potentially spend the rest of their video gaming lives exploring the galaxy. However, I also see the possibility of many gamers eventually getting bored and moving on to something else.

This is just an educated guess going by the fair amount of research I’ve done on the game, because I honestly don’t know what changes will come to the game after it’s been out for some time. The developers have said they will likely add extra features and such based on gamer feedback, for free no less, so that’s something. Personally, I don’t want to take the risk of buying No Man’s Sky right off the bat. I took that risk with Evolve due to its somewhat unique nature and while I like the game well enough, it does have its flaws and I feel I would have been better off buying it later on after it had gotten cheaper and had more features added in. No Man’s Sky is a very different game, but it still has a similar risk factor to it, at least for me. I’ll be keeping my eye on this game after it’s released and depending on what I see, I might buy it at a later date. No promises though.

Thanks for reading, I want to thank Daniel for sharing his thoughts and Stephen Jackson, the man behind Gaming Respawn, for a great conversion about No Man’s Sky that helped me with my thoughts about the game.

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80 Comment

otherZinc January 17, 2016 - 21:46

Lol, of course No Man’s Sky is completely overrated.

Is No Man’s Sky still releasing @ $60?

ukps4gamer January 18, 2016 - 00:06

Until we have firm details of the quest involved most of this article is vapour and pure speculation.
Could say the same for any game yet to release. Im lokoking forward to it, and will happily pay any fee the want to charge, maybe im old school and loved elite and i jut need an update, which sadly elite dangerous is nt.

Evil_Annie_2015 January 18, 2016 - 19:00

You don’t know the “firm” details of the game, but you are ready to buy it? 🙂

J.j. Barrington January 18, 2016 - 21:09

Even knowing all the details, buying any game is still a gamble. What he’s seen has obviously been enough to secure his purchase; with so little to go on, however, it’s hard to say the game could be any more disappointing than any other.

Evil_Annie_2015 January 18, 2016 - 19:00

You don’t know the “firm” details of the game, but you are ready to buy it? 🙂

Zarbor January 18, 2016 - 02:57

The reason why No Man Sky has already disappointed me is that I’ve found a game called Elite Dangerous that seems to be doing just about all the same things and even better. It will take even more than what we know about No Man Sky to get me excited for it again. Do yourself a favor and play Elite Dangerous..sleeper title of 2015

1up January 18, 2016 - 06:41

“doing just about all the same things and even better.”

So I take you have played No Mans Sky, which is an amazing feat seeing that the game is still months away from release.

Zarbor January 18, 2016 - 14:59

We have seen the gameplay for No Man’s Sky and have seen how the game plays.
Guess you didn’t read the part that stated “it will take more than what we know about No Man’s Sky.”

Go play Elite Dangerous and every thing No Man’s Sky developer claim it can do (so far) Elite Dangerous does and it looks waaaaay better. Not to mention they keep adding to it.

1up January 18, 2016 - 06:41

“doing just about all the same things and even better.”

So I take you have played No Mans Sky, which is an amazing feat seeing that the game is still months away from release.

Lowkey10011 January 18, 2016 - 03:08

Been playing elite dangerous for awhile now collecting bounties, fighting for different factions, discovering new planets, I’ll continue to do that nms looks so boring in comparison.

Lowkey10011 January 18, 2016 - 03:08

Been playing elite dangerous for awhile now collecting bounties, fighting for different factions, discovering new planets, I’ll continue to do that nms looks so boring in comparison.

Norman Skigh January 18, 2016 - 04:01

No Man Sky, while initially very exciting, now seems like it will be quite boring after the first play session. Not enough to do other than explore vast areas of space and planets, which will become mundane fast.

And will likely end up like this as well:

Evil_Annie_2015 January 18, 2016 - 18:55


Evil_Annie_2015 January 18, 2016 - 18:55


tplarkin7 January 18, 2016 - 04:56

The journalists have failed their readers by hyping a game with no proof of fun. Procedural generation of objects is nothing new. Oblivion used it to make the forests and terrain.

1up January 18, 2016 - 06:43

Yip, I see the Xbox site are really ticked off that the Xbone isnt getting this one, at least not yet.

Shubhendu Singh January 18, 2016 - 07:02

I’m very excited for this game, but there’s no denying it could be a huge disappointment. Of all the New IPs (indie included) that comes out ever, this has the most chances of failing, (from strictly a crtic pov)

Though making it VR compatible makes this a no-brainer megahit.

Kane January 18, 2016 - 10:36

Gaming Respawn isn’t biased towards any of the consoles, how is this a Xbox site?
and please don’t say the colour scheme, the colour green isn’t exclusive to Xbox.

1up January 18, 2016 - 12:35

Ok then, what about the controller next to the the name? Looks familiar, doesn’t it. Not an Xbox site huh?

Stephen January 18, 2016 - 12:40

Well, we have a controller in our Logo and it’s just a coincidence it looks more like an Xbox controller than a PlayStation one. Either way, we can’t win because if it looked like a PlayStation controller, the Xbox fanboys would come out.

I would love to hear though why we are an Xbox site, just because this article raises some points which some deem negative about No Man’s Sky, but plenty of gamers have, and the game happens to be releasing on PlayStation and not Xbox One, that must make us a pro Xbox site right?

If I am not mistaken, NMS is also coming to PC so its hardly a PlayStation exclusive in the gaming world. It’s only an exclusive if your gaming mind is so narrow that it only includes XB1 and PS4.

Hardly any of us here actually own an Xbox One and in fact, most of our review copies we secure are for the PlayStation 4, so that actually makes your point rather inaccurate

1up January 18, 2016 - 13:57

So in the one sentence in my post you came to the conclusion that I do not acknowledge that NMS isnt coming to PC and that it is only exclusive to the PS4 and that in my “narrow mind” I see the PS4 and Xbone as the only gaming platforms currently in existence??? Well thats just amazing!

Stephen January 18, 2016 - 14:07

You are the one insisting we are an Xbox site. Even IF we were, why would it bother you anyway? The game not coming to Xbox wasn’t even brought up in the article. If it was saying that it is going to a flop sales wise as it won’t be on Xbox One, fair enough, I get your point. But it’s not.

Phil January 18, 2016 - 19:27

Love how the only point you reply to is an assumption based what you DIDN’T say. Probably the most pathetic attempt at hyperbole I’ve ever read. Very poor effort . “1up” indeed….

1up January 18, 2016 - 13:57

So in the one sentence in my post you came to the conclusion that I do not acknowledge that NMS isnt coming to PC and that it is only exclusive to the PS4 and that in my “narrow mind” I see the PS4 and Xbone as the only gaming platforms currently in existence??? Well thats just amazing!

kevin January 18, 2016 - 17:16

Sometimes it’s just better not to say anything at all.

Stephen January 18, 2016 - 12:40

Well, we have a controller in our Logo and it’s just a coincidence it looks more like an Xbox controller than a PlayStation one. Either way, we can’t win because if it looked like a PlayStation controller, the Xbox fanboys would come out.

I would love to hear though why we are an Xbox site, just because this article raises some points which some deem negative about No Man’s Sky, but plenty of gamers have, and the game happens to be releasing on PlayStation and not Xbox One, that must make us a pro Xbox site right?

If I am not mistaken, NMS is also coming to PC so its hardly a PlayStation exclusive in the gaming world. It’s only an exclusive if your gaming mind is so narrow that it only includes XB1 and PS4.

Hardly any of us here actually own an Xbox One and in fact, most of our review copies we secure are for the PlayStation 4, so that actually makes your point rather inaccurate

Kane January 18, 2016 - 12:48

I quick Google search would show you our controller looks nothing like an Xbox controller. I didn’t know the Xbox had a D-Pad on the right side instead of action buttons, and I wasn’t aware that the left side of the Xbox controller only had a analog stick…anything else? or is that all you had.

1up January 18, 2016 - 12:35

Ok then, what about the controller next to the the name? Looks familiar, doesn’t it. Not an Xbox site huh?

1up January 18, 2016 - 06:43

Yip, I see the Xbox site are really ticked off that the Xbone isnt getting this one, at least not yet.

phar0ahad3 January 18, 2016 - 06:55

Man this site really loves xbox…….

Kane January 18, 2016 - 10:38

Again the site isn’t biased towards any of the consoles, we love gaming and don’t believe in silly console wars and fanboy rubbish…So yes we really do love Xbox just the same as we love PS, Nintendo and PC.

phar0ahad3 January 18, 2016 - 16:09

You never played the game…You dont know anymore than we do about the game….So what was the purpose of this article ?

Kane January 18, 2016 - 17:00

It’s my concerns on what I’ve seen so far, its called having an opinion. I never stated it was fact or said this is how everyone feels about the game, just my opinion and concerns.

J.j. Barrington January 18, 2016 - 21:05

Your concerns could as well be leveled at every other unreleased title out there, but we all know that isn’t the case.

kevin January 18, 2016 - 17:08

Good for you guys! Finally a site for real gamers not just some shill site pandering to fanboys. Ignore the haters PS fanboys have gotten pretty entitled with all the pro PS and anti-Xbox media lately.

Evil_Annie_2015 January 18, 2016 - 18:38

Yes, Indeed.

J.j. Barrington January 18, 2016 - 21:04

Lmao, you mean like how you and the rest of the Xbox faithful have a persecution complex now that the media is no longer in your console’s pocket?

kevin January 18, 2016 - 22:46

Stalking me again eh? How many comments has it been now? Move along you disturbed troll. Don’t you have a Quran to read or something?

Can’t wait for Disqus to add the option to block obnoxious trolls like you. You’ll be the first parasite I block. Have a nice day!

J.j. Barrington January 18, 2016 - 22:58

I came for the No Man’s Sky. I stayed for the mad Xbox fanboys.

Quran? Why would I have one of those? Is this becoming discriminatory? Are you so distraught that you’re showing your bigotry?

lmao, stay salty.

J.j. Barrington January 18, 2016 - 22:58

I came for the No Man’s Sky. I stayed for the mad Xbox fanboys.

Quran? Why would I have one of those? Is this becoming discriminatory? Are you so distraught that you’re showing your bigotry?

lmao, stay salty.

Kane January 18, 2016 - 10:38

Again the site isn’t biased towards any of the consoles, we love gaming and don’t believe in silly console wars and fanboy rubbish…So yes we really do love Xbox just the same as we love PS, Nintendo and PC.

Sir-V January 18, 2016 - 15:26

They shut u up real quick.

MaxAnnoying January 18, 2016 - 11:41

Wow, second article on the very same topic. But again, you know all you have to know about this game. It’s exploration based, VR compatible, space opera on an unlimited universe, with seldom online components (just like the souls series). It’s a game you come to see once in a while when you need to change world. If you don’t like this concept and are more in a “Call of Duty DudeBro” mindset, then this game is not for you in the first place.

Don’t even waste time judging it.

When it comes to repetitivity, just wait and see. Generation algorythmes can be tweaked to avoid repetitivity.

But from what you describe out of it, you’re not looking for an “experience”, but a mere game.

Sylmaron January 18, 2016 - 11:52

We’ll have to wait and see. At least we should be happy there are some studio’s that try something new. In my view I’m glad Sony picked it up as an exclusive as for me it’s setting an example for Microsoft that is still very much relying on shooters and cars.

PachterStation January 18, 2016 - 12:24

You’d have to be pretty dumb not to have realised this months and months ago. Again, forget about the graphics, it’s all about the game play. Info and vids prove that it’s lacking that. But PS4 owners will go out in their droves and pay £50 tops for it, not forgetting the extra cost of DLC.

J.j. Barrington January 18, 2016 - 21:07

Lacking how?

ChatWraithShichi January 18, 2016 - 13:09

A game that isn’t out, that hasn’t specified how you name planets….

….why are you already counting on being disappointed? You can only be let down if you have higher expectations than you should.

I’m expecting a casual, randomized experience. Something I can pick up and play without needing any context, story, or competitive spirit. With that in mind, I don’t think I can be let down. I feel that I’m only going to be impressed.

There has been nothing more suggested. Will it be repetitive? Definitely. All games are repetitive if you play them enough.

Will it be lonely? Yeah, they already stated that you start off isolated until you reach the center of the game.

asadachi January 18, 2016 - 13:30

Websites without anything better to write, will they fall into the trap of speculation? Looks like a resounding yes for this site.

kevin January 18, 2016 - 17:28

What a joke, the author has some doubts about a game and gets swarmed by annoyed PS fanboys for it just because it’s associated with the PS4. Go read your damn Quran or something! Frigging bullies!

Kane January 18, 2016 - 17:34

Finally someone that get this is just my opinion and concerns for the full game from what I’ve seen so far. This has nothing to do with silly fanboy wars, just a gamer concerned for a game that can be good for the industry.

Kane January 18, 2016 - 17:34

Finally someone that get this is just my opinion and concerns for the full game from what I’ve seen so far. This has nothing to do with silly fanboy wars, just a gamer concerned for a game that can be good for the industry.

kevin January 18, 2016 - 17:28

What a joke, the author has some doubts about a game and gets swarmed by annoyed PS fanboys for it just because it’s associated with the PS4. Go read your damn Quran or something! Frigging bullies!

ZahaDoom January 18, 2016 - 13:48

Wow another article from the paid Xbox crowd. The amount of money Microsoft is spending buying websites, and bloggers is mind blowing.

The sheer amount of anti VR posts, and ps4 disinformation articles out there is scary. The 400 articles with the wrong ps4 VR price circulating like it’s gospel.

The amount of bull that is spewed about the xbone is unreal. I have been a loyal Xbox customer since Xbox was released, Xbox one is horrible, it’s 3 OS’s on top of each other fighting for control is a mess. It’s underpowered and has unperforimng hardware vs the competition, it is obvious on paper, and in REALITY, and is unquestionable at this point, the debate is over, its settled, there is no more secret sauces in the cupboard for xbone.

THe Xbox one is inferior on every level to the ps4, except the kinect device and workout excerises (and Microsoft actually ignored the ONE upside they had over ps4)

Microsoft screwed up, they were not building a gaming machine, they were building a drm nightmare of a home ENTERTAINMENT box, and besides the nightmare part, that’s right from their own statements.

To now try and build strawman articles vs some of 2016 ps4 exclusives with only limited knowledge of what’s to come is just weak and sad, enjoy your Microsoft check gamingrespawn I hope you don’t sell out your mother so easily.

Also who can take anything anyone said seriously who doesn’t know what HOTCAKES are?

Stephen January 18, 2016 - 14:09

How on earth has this article got anything to do with the Xbox One? The word “Xbox One” isn’t even mentioned in the article.

ZahaDoom January 18, 2016 - 14:43

It doesn’t have to be mentioned, it’s the content and the tone of your pure speculation and bash article.

Note just to you: Generally disinformation agents don’t announce who they work for or their direct intent.

It’s obvious by the general response your getting from this article I’m not the only one who saw it this way.

And the fact your in the comments acting confused by the response your getting.

The Internet is sick of Microsoft’s paid shills, spreading bs.

Stephen January 18, 2016 - 15:33

The author says that he hopes he is proved wrong and that NMS is a success, opening the door for more developers to push the boat further when it comes to what a game can do and how big it is.

This article isn’t saying that NMS is a shit game and is going to fail. Here’s a fact, It won’t fail. It will be a success. The question is, will it be the game that a lot of gamers are expecting?

As a gamer, 18 trillion planets sounds great on paper, but how will that work in reality when you will barely even get to see a fraction of those? And what if that fraction are fairly repetitive in look and design? We don’t know if it will be, but it’s a concern I have, many other people have and the author has.

It’s an opinion. All of this is opinion. Some will think it will be great and won’t be repetitive.

This is an opinion article. The article isn’t telling you how to feel or what to expect. It’s telling you how the author feels about the game and a lot of people feel the same.

So please stop with all this Microsoft & Xbox One bias bullshit. It’s ridiculous and downright absurd as it is utter, complete nonsense.

Are we anti PC as well for questioning a No Man’s Sky? Or does that only work for Xbox One v PS4?

ZahaDoom January 18, 2016 - 16:16

Sure it’s an opinion piece but just because you put a question mark at the end of a sentence doesn’t make it any less inflammatory.

Will Bill Gates wife become a big slut? Regardless of your opinion of bill Gates or his wife beyond a click bait title like that or regardless of how you go on to praise or well wish bill Gates or his wife at that point, your title alone sets the tone and becomes a hit piece REGARDLESS of your intentions.

Sure maybe I read more into the console war than was in this article , but if you don’t think sites and bloggers are being paid to spread bs then you need to wake up.

Stephen January 18, 2016 - 16:45

Every title that anyone writes is written in a way to get people to click on it to read it. That’s just how it works. Misleading titles however to get clicks is another thing, but this article doesn’t do that. The author is asking the question and has put that as the title, there was no intent for click bait. But I guess everyone will have their own opinion on that.

I don’t doubt for one second that there are sites and bloggers who get paid to say, write and promote certain products and agendas, but I can assure you that we are not one of them.

Just take a look at any of our articles, there’s a split between PS and Xbox news, feature articles cover games on both platforms. We don’t have a massive Xbox One Halo 5 ad banner background like some sites do. I think everyone really is looking into this too much, especially for an article which was written to just share his views on why No Man’s Sky may be a disappointment.

The thing is, not much has been shown of the game, so of course no one can say factually one way or the other. In fact, even when it is out, everyone will have different opinions on everything. But the size of the game and universe and amount of planets is touted around in the media and in outlets as being a big selling point – I and clearly the author question whether or not, based on that fact, if that feature will truly be enough for NMS.

ZahaDoom January 18, 2016 - 18:11

There’s the proper way to create a title and then there’s what this article did, I’m sure you’ve been asked if everyone jumps off a cliff would you?

If the title had been, Is anyone else worried about NMS apparent lack of depth? Then it is an opinion piece acknowledging it’s lack of details even, but this article’s title is written as a type of sabotage. And that’s why the site is being branded Xbox fanboy.

If this article was written a year ago it might have been less abrasive, but for a game we haven’t seen much of in ages or know very little details beyond what limited scope we’ve been privilege to see before release, and to strike at it with such shallow arguments seems combative, like something a competitor would pay for.

It’s no mystery Microsoft is in a vulnerable spot right now, if VR does explode, the Xbone is out in the cold. That’s why there is so many hit pieces out there right now, trying to down play VR’s impact.

I have no financial affiliation with any of the parties envolved, that being said, like it or not NMS is someone’s lively hood, it’s their dream and hard work, and it’s going to put food on their families table.

So many of you so called “journalists” are creating these “opinion” pieces which are really just negative hit pieces that NO GOOD will come out of, and are damaging the gaming industry, not helping it. If you are a true gamer, you will be open minded until you get to try the final product.

Damn, look at driveclub, what a mess before and out of the gate, but wow what an amazing title that’s turned into.

So many games are getting brutal reviews or negative spin that are killing games before they even get out of the gate, and in many cases aren’t justified.

If you don’t want to be branded a Xbox fanboy site, or biased in any way, for any device, don’t act like you are.

ZahaDoom January 18, 2016 - 16:16

Sure it’s an opinion piece but just because you put a question mark at the end of a sentence doesn’t make it any less inflammatory.

Will Bill Gates wife become a big slut? Regardless of your opinion of bill Gates or his wife beyond a click bait title like that or regardless of how you go on to praise or well wish bill Gates or his wife at that point, your title alone sets the tone and becomes a hit piece REGARDLESS of your intentions.

Sure maybe I read more into the console war than was in this article , but if you don’t think sites and bloggers are being paid to spread bs then you need to wake up.

ZahaDoom January 18, 2016 - 13:48

Wow another article from the paid Xbox crowd. The amount of money Microsoft is spending buying websites, and bloggers is mind blowing.

The sheer amount of anti VR posts, and ps4 disinformation articles out there is scary. The 400 articles with the wrong ps4 VR price circulating like it’s gospel.

The amount of bull that is spewed about the xbone is unreal. I have been a loyal Xbox customer since Xbox was released, Xbox one is horrible, it’s 3 OS’s on top of each other fighting for control is a mess. It’s underpowered and has unperforimng hardware vs the competition, it is obvious on paper, and in REALITY, and is unquestionable at this point, the debate is over, its settled, there is no more secret sauces in the cupboard for xbone.

THe Xbox one is inferior on every level to the ps4, except the kinect device and workout excerises (and Microsoft actually ignored the ONE upside they had over ps4)

Microsoft screwed up, they were not building a gaming machine, they were building a drm nightmare of a home ENTERTAINMENT box, and besides the nightmare part, that’s right from their own statements.

To now try and build strawman articles vs some of 2016 ps4 exclusives with only limited knowledge of what’s to come is just weak and sad, enjoy your Microsoft check gamingrespawn I hope you don’t sell out your mother so easily.

Also who can take anything anyone said seriously who doesn’t know what HOTCAKES are?

rudero January 18, 2016 - 13:56

I do have to ask… What is the point of an article like this? What makes your opinion the be all of opinions?
This is a different kind of game that has not over promised and is still being molded to the creators ideas.
What does negativity, of a FEW people, bring to the table to the gaming industry?
I just never get it and all of this type of crap is what Microsoft has brought to the table when they hot into the gaming business.
i do love how the consumers are casting articles and people like this to the side and listening to themselves this gen. With game sharing and game streaming, articles like this are just considered litter in the world of gaming news.
Congrats to being useless.

Evil_Annie_2015 January 18, 2016 - 18:52

You should stick to the main stream gaming sites like IGN, gamingbolt, Eurogamer, kotaku, polygon etc… so you can read only pro ps4 articles.

No Man’s Sky is an indie that has been teased for over 3 years in all Sony events. For an Indie that is too much, and it creates all kind of especulations if not released within a certain time frame. This article has legitimate concerns if you actually read it.

This is not like the gamingbolt type of articles where a writer was complaining that Rise of The tomb raider cutscenes were sub-1080p and therefore the xbox one version would be inferior to the ps4, even when the gameplay was displayed at 1080p which is the target resolution of the ps4. Those are the sites you should stick to so you can live the ps4 safe zone.

rudero January 18, 2016 - 19:34, I mean, ign is as craptastic. And yes, the original name for ign was teamxbox.
People’s expectations is the reason to slam a game that has not even been close to overplayed in its abilities or no sign of downgrade? That means every single Ubisoft game should be the focus on this site.
I will call who I want when I want and yes, avoid said sites as well but, I can say my piece about losers with no life other than spreading negativity about games.
At ponies just hate Microsoft because they are not good for gaming but hating games is just getting low. It does nothing for the market and who cares what you do in the game, billions of planets… I would like to know what other game will give you the same amount of content for the price.
Safe place? There will never be a safe place in this world in today’s self centered world. Just like writing an article about a game that does not appease this person then will go and suck on an rpg like it was a god. Ok.

jacksjus January 18, 2016 - 17:01

A game can only flop when it something other than what they say it is. If hype is generated based on what has been stated and shown then good for the developers.

Now to say that the game isn’t your cup of tea is perfectly fine, but you seem to want to build this false sense of hype based on more than what has been explained.

I think they have been quite straight forward on what this game will be like. They even said the chance of running into another human while playing is slim. So yes it will be a lonely game so I suggest you skip out on it.

lennasuzaka1988 January 18, 2016 - 17:27

I think it will accomplish what it means to do, but at the same time, I’m sure people who don’t dive in, like myself, know that the experience is not for them. Because of that, it won’t be disappointing, but I believe people will at least get their money’s worth. For me, I just know I won’t be able to get into it because games that are completely open-ended and randomized frustrate me because there is no end.

However, despite me not wanting to own the title, I definitely want to watch my friends play it, that’s for sure.

shawn January 18, 2016 - 18:59

i think after getting to the center of the universe, i predict it will be earth, you will then be more likley to meet up with others who have completed the journey and have that players interaction. however, is the solitude we experience getting to the center going to keep us playing long enough to find out? if this game plays out this way, once we reach the center, the real fun might begin.

shawn January 18, 2016 - 18:59

i think after getting to the center of the universe, i predict it will be earth, you will then be more likley to meet up with others who have completed the journey and have that players interaction. however, is the solitude we experience getting to the center going to keep us playing long enough to find out? if this game plays out this way, once we reach the center, the real fun might begin.

D.G.M. January 18, 2016 - 19:49

Thanks to all the readers who actually made it past the article’s title for realizing that we’re not…what is the accusation….an Xbox site? And this is based on our site’s color scheme. And the fact that we have some genuine concerns about a game that is only releasing on PS4 and PC. The title was certainly made to attract readers, no doubt about that, but…it appears to be working. But if some of you guys had made it past the article’s intro, you’d have realized that we never said the game will suck. In fact, I made it a point to say it won’t suck, I just personally don’t want to jump into it right away and prefer to wait until it’s out before I spend any money on it.
Neither of us never made any actual criticisms about No Man’s Sky and stated them as fact either. They’re just things to watch out for. Simply put, I’ve jumped the gun a couple of times on games in the past, and I just don’t want to do so again. Not just for this game either, but also for other games I’m interested in but don’t know if I’ll buy, like For Honor (a game which seems to have disappeared from the radar lately). There seriously is no need for you guys to get this upset and bent out of shape about games or our opinion on what we’ve seen regarding the game so far, seriously. Save the crying and whining for an actual tragedy guys, come on.
One last thing, I’ve played an Xbox 360 about three times total in my entire life. Never even touched an Xbox One.

J.j. Barrington January 18, 2016 - 22:43

-sigh- Click. Bait.

Kane January 18, 2016 - 22:48

What makes this click bait? I’ve voiced my opinion and concerns about a game.

J.j. Barrington January 18, 2016 - 22:54

Because your concerns could apply to any unreleased game. It’s silly to single this one out.

Every game has repetitive aspects; sometimes, those become its most addictive features. To criticize a game for being repetitive before you’ve picked up the sticks to experience it is… take your pick, but it’s not a good thing.

Kane January 18, 2016 - 23:02

People have been hyping this game up for years, people have been praising this game for innovating and being fresh, people are pre ordering the game all with the same information I have so why is it okay to do all that? but when you voice your concerns with all that same info its click bait now?. I’m not bashing the game I want it to do well and change the games industry and make more devs take risks.
So does that mean no one can talk about games until they have the final product? if that is the case devs should stop showing off their games, we should stop events like E3 if everyone doesn’t want to be judged before a game gets released.

J.j. Barrington January 19, 2016 - 04:34

What people? You mean journalists?

Gamers have been interested, perhaps excited because it looks like something new. Beyond that, it’s been people in your profession that have been hyping it up and praising its innovation.

That aside, the point still stands that you aren’t leveling the same sort of negativity at other games. Admittedly, there isn’t a large sample size, but I don’t see any articles games we know to be repetitive, like Call of Duty. I don’t see doubts for any other upcoming or already released titles.

What makes this game different?

That’s what a lot of people are getting at: why is No Man’s Sky receiving this treatment when you’re treating no other games this way? And the way you talk about others hyping it, it almost sounds like you want to be the voice of negativity to “balance” things out.

And then there’s the timing: we get a release date of June, and now you’re concerned. Why weren’t you concerned after E3? What’s changed since then that you’re just now expressing concern?

And the thing I KEEP having to come back to is: your worries could apply to EVERY GAME.

D.G.M. January 19, 2016 - 06:15

And the thing we KEEP coming back to is that we are not trying to be negative towards this game. Simply cautious. We never once said what we hated about this game because we simply don’t hate anything about this game. There are simply certain elements to it that could be seen as too repetitive for many gamers, emphasis on “could”. There’s still a chance that I will get this game, but I’m going to wait until after it’s released before I make my final decision. Again, there is no (or very little) negativity in this article, it’s mostly caution.

You asked what makes this game different and why we’re singling it out. The fact is, No Man’s Sky in itself is different. Unique. There are very, very few games like this one. People say Elite: Dangerous and Spore have similar elements, but that’s just two games. This puts No Man’s Sky in sort of uncharted waters in the world of video games, or more appropriately, in uncommon waters, ESPECIALLY for console gamers. So questioning, not criticizing, but questioning a game that appears to provide something that has never really been done before is only natural. This game deserves to be singled out because it’s singular. Doing a piece like this on something like Call of Duty, like you stated in your example, would be like beating a dead horse at this point.

Pretty much everyone knows what to expect in a Call of Duty game, even those who don’t really play the series, like myself, know what to expect. Sure some of the games have slight differences between them, but the core gameplay is basically the same in all the Call of Duty games. If we had written a piece like this on Call of Duty, most people simply would not care, and those that would care have pretty much all made up their minds about Call of Duty: they either hate it and avoid it like the plague, or they buy it every year no questions asked. With No Man’s Sky, there’s very little we can compare that game to, if anything. Honestly, you kind of know what to expect with most games nowadays. The only other one I can think of that is doing something kind of different gameplaywise is The Division, a game I’m much, much less intrigued about than No Man’s Sky. There’s also that other game called Wild, but we know even less about that game in general. Anyway, the online elements for The Division are somewhat unique too, at least as far as shooting games go, but not nearly to the same degree as No Man’s Sky, and you’re still basically shooting people, which I’m pretty sure has been done before.

As for the hype, it’s not really just journalists who are hyping up No Man’s Sky, it’s everyone. Youtubers, Youtube commenters, people on forums, you name it. It appears the only ones not hyping it up are the developers, and good for them I say. A big reason why we want people to be cautious is so they don’t hype up the game too much, because if they do end up being disappointed by something in the game, even something relatively small, then those same people who were hyping it up will no doubt give No Man’s Sky and the developers a merciless thrashing, which I don’t think the game or the developers deserve. I greatly respect the scope of their project. Sorry for making this comment so damn long, I just wanted to cover all possible bases to make sure you and the other strangely sensitive commenters completely understand our stance on this whole thing.

roland garnier (4gamesake) January 18, 2016 - 23:18

I don’t see what’s the big deal if no man’s sky meets the hype or not. All these discussions to say what? ” mmm, maybe I should not buy that game because it’s not good enough, I might be bored playing.” Big deal. Personally what am I gonna lost $40 of my hard earned cash and a grin on my face. Perhaps I should talk to my financial adviser just to see if I am making a good investment purchasing no man’sky when it’s released. Boring or not just to respect all the work these guy at hello games are doing day in day out to bring they dream game to the public is good enough for me to buy the game. At least it’s new it’s fresh and it has not been done before. What else do we want?

Wolfy Snackrib February 10, 2016 - 14:09

Haha, well at least there’s no snowballs chance in hell that it’ll turn out as big of a disappointment as Skyrim, so there’s that.

Josh Thorne March 3, 2016 - 21:16

A lot of grammar and spelling errors for a respectable online out. Shame.

Steve Walsh August 24, 2016 - 19:41

author fucking nailed it 8 months in advance.

most overhyped game evar

Steve Walsh August 24, 2016 - 19:41

author fucking nailed it 8 months in advance.

most overhyped game evar

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