Star Citizen Devs Ask Gamers for More MoneyDavid TrundleyMay 1, 2017 by David TrundleyMay 1, 2017 As we all know, Star Citizen is a game that has taken years to get to its current state. Even so, the game is still...
Star Citizen now open to all backersStephen JacksonOctober 15, 2015 by Stephen JacksonOctober 15, 2015 Star Citizen is now open to all backers of the game with alpha access and module passes being removed, Cloud Imperium Games has announced. This...
Star Citizen loses its executive producerStephen JacksonJuly 7, 2015 by Stephen JacksonJuly 7, 2015 Cloud Imperium, the developers behind Star Citizen have announced that executive producer, Alex Mayberry has left the company. It was rumoured earlier in the week...