Left 4 Dead 3 releasing in 2017?

It has been reported that following the departure of Half-Life lead writer Marc Laidlaw from Valve, Left 4 Dead 3 has become the companies main priority and will be Valve’s next game to release.

According to the Express Gaming, Half Life 3 has been post-poned for the time being with all attention tunring to Left 4 Dead 3 and as a result, Valve are aiming for a 2017 release of the game. We last saw a Left 4 Dead game back in 2009, just over 6 years ago so a new addition to the Left 4 Dead series would be very welcome indeed.

Since Valve hasn’t officialy announced anything regarding Left 4 Dead 3, not much is known about it however the report claims that the game will feature 3 male characters along with 1 female, just like in the previous two games. All four characters are said to have already been given names, with the female lead being called Katherine. The guys will be known as Irvin, Garrett Jr. and Keenan.

Not only have character names reportedly been revealed, but so have the names of the campaigns which will feature in the game, of which there are 6. These are No Mercy, Cliff-Hanger, Early Destination, Crashland, Impasse and Inquisitor Land.


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