Homefront: The Revolution release date revealed to be 17th May?

There is no official release date yet for Homefront: The Revolution which is currently marked as just having a “2016” release, however US retailer Target may have just let it slip when the game will be releasing.

According to a reservation card from Target, as spotted by GameWatcher, the date Homefront: The Revolution will be available is printed on the card as being May 17th, 2016. As Target is a US retailer, the 17th May is a Tuesday which is when most games release in the US, therefore it is likely to be available in Europe a few days later which is the normal procedure for games which don’t have a global release date.

Homefront Revolution

There has been no official word from Deep Silver about whether or not this is the date Homefront: The Revolution will be releasing, however it does seem very plausible.

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