Rocket League has made nearly $50m and has over 8 million players

Rocket League, the hugely popular “car football” game has generated nearly $50 million in revenue, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The game is currently available on PS4 and PC and has attracted nearly 8 million players, with the Xbox One version due to launch in early 2016. The fact that Rocket League has made so much money is quite an achievement for Psyonix, especially considering that the game was given away for free to PlayStation Plus members at the game’s launch, while on PC gamers can pick it up on Steam for £14.99.

Making the game free to PS Plus members seems to have been a great marketing tool however, with the roaring reviews driving sales from non PS Plus owners as well as leading to an increase in DLC sales, of which there are several all prices around the few dollars mark.

The Wall Street Journal has also claimed that Rocket League only cost $2m to make. I say only, but in game development turns that is pretty cheap for a game which has gone on to become a huge success across platforms.

Rocket League also picked up the best sports/racing title at this year’s Game Awards, beating FIFA 16, one of the best selling games of 2015. Not only that, but Rocket League also picked up Best Independent Game.

You can grab Rocket League on Amazon now.


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