FIFA 17 Will Have a Story Mode Dubbed “The Journey”

FIFA 17 will be releasing worldwide on September 29th for PS4, Xbox One, and PC with the biggest addition to this year’s entry being a story mode, EA has announced during the game’s official reveal.

This year’s FIFA game will include lots of new tweaks and minor improvements to balance gameplay, making FIFA 17 as realistic as possible, however, the headline feature is the introduction of a story mode to FIFA 17.

Dubbed “The Journey”, the story mode will put players in the shoes of a rising premier league star named Alex Hunter as you navigate the life of a top flight footballer. The mode will cover various aspects of being an up and coming rising star as you make your premier league debut all the way up until your retirement, with everything in between. Playing as Alex Hunter, you will be able to pick what team he signs for with Manchester United being shown in the official trailer for the mode.

FIFA 17 will also feature real-life managers on the touchline for the first time with the likes of Jose Mourino, Pep Guardiola, Arsene Wenger, and Jurgen Klopp all represented.

In addition, this year’s entry will be the first FIFA game to use EA’s Frostbite engine following the studio’s decision to switch from the current-gen Ignite engine. The Frostbite engine has been used for games such as Battlefield, Star Wars: Battlefront, and Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst and will knock FIFA‘s graphics up a notch.

Check out FIFA 17‘s “The Journey” trailer below.

FIFA 17 gameplay trailer:

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